With the recent news of the possible addition of over 500 more acres to the Brown Bridge Quiet Area, I got to thinking about all the new trails that such a large addition could make. I have a yearly list of “new to me” trails, and I still have many more trails to explore since moving here less than three years ago. But enough about new trails, this post is about the existing trails at BBQA.

My favorite time of year to hike the BBQA and the Boardman Valley Trail is autumn. The views from the bluffs are amazing. But any time of year is a good time to hike this area south of Traverse City just north of Kingsley.

Sunshine through trees

The problem with winter hiking is ice. Unless you’re out after a fresh snow, the melt-freeze cycle often leads to slippery walks. Mine started at the Brown Bridge Road parking lot south of the river where I headed east into the woods. Narrow, uneven trails required careful steps to avoid a downhill tumble, but I’m happy to report that no hikers were harmed during this walk.

The trail turned north and then west and crossed the Boardman River. The remaining trail followed the river as it wound its way downstream, mostly exposed to open sky. That sunshine also meant better footing as I returned to my car. 

Bridge over the Boardman

Brown Bridge / Boardman Valley Trail is a popular trail, though not as busy as the trails closer to town such as Pelizzari and The Commons. It is worth the drive out of town to enjoy the views.

Brown Bridge Quiet Area