Pelizzari is not normally my spot when I want a quiet walk. It’s a nice enough spot, but for the most part, when I hike, I do it to be alone. (Nothing personal.) Located as the base of the Old Mission Peninsula, there are usually a few cars in the parking lot. But I took a chance on a late summer evening after a storm. And it was a win! The trails were clear and I had the all the trails to myself. Just me and the owl. Despite a less-than-ideal evening, it was still a pleasant walk, because life is too short to wait for nice weather.


In the forest and fields, not a soul to be seen – my kind of hike. And in the distance is the East Bay.

Pelizzari fields

On the way downtown for a beer (OK, two) at Fresh Coast Beer Works, I stopped at Bryant Park for a view of the sunset over Leelanau. Though there was no sun to be seen, the colors were still amazing.

Bryant Park sunset