I knew it would come, and with all the hot, humid weather, it came to pass that the mosquitos have arrived in force. I had not encountered many until Tuesday night’s hike at VASA. A warm evening in a heavily-shaded forest – yes, that is the perfect area to be attacked.


That picture just screams mosquito terror squad. If anything, it keeps you moving – standing still is a recipe for an itchy evening.

VASA stream

I couldn’t linger at my favorite spot on the trails lest arms covered in itchy bumps. Still, hiking in mosquito-infested woods is better than sitting around watching Tik Tok, and it would be a long summer of sitting inside if you’re not willing to tackle the annoyances. Just remember to pack your Off – not the organic stuff, all-natural stuff – that’s crap. For this job, you need chemicals. So go bravely forth!