Adventures around Traverse City

Category: Construction

Strange things are afoot…

Traverse City has gotten its very own Circle K! Yes, at the corner of South Airport and Cass, the legendary convenience has arrived, though it is still being rebranded from a Holiday station:

Circle K in Traverse City.

Perhaps “legendary” is too strong a word. Perhaps “excellent” is a better one. Circle K will always remind me of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, the place where their adventure through time starts.

Bill and Ted's Circle K

Unfortunately, that particular Circle K (in Tempe, AZ) closed last year. We perhaps if there is ever a “Bill and Ted’s Part 4” movie, they’ll film it here.


This is going to be a familiar site along Grandview in the coming months:

Grandview construction

For now, they are tearing up part of the median between Division and M-72. I believe they are going to have a turn lane onto Elmwood, but I could be wrong. I don’t know that this will help with anything, but some MDOT employee in a cube in Lansing decided this is what we needed three hours away, so this is what we get.

Construction Season Has Arrived

We’ve had a couple of bridges under construction for a while (North Cass, South Union), but now, the fun is getting super fun. Starting Monday, Division between Grandview Parkway and 10 Street will be repaved. If you’ve driven down that stretch of Division / US-31, you know it’s in rough shape. Hopefully it will not take too long to complete, but I’ll be taking the back way home for a few weeks.

Division Street

There’s a bridge! Sort of…

Cass Street has a new bridge over the Boardman River. Well, kind of:

Cass Street Bridge

There are still months’ worth of work yet to be done, but there is something there. I would assume sneaking on the bridge is a no-no, as tempting as it is. 

Nearby, the Beadle Building which contains the currently closed Mackinac Brewing Company has been purchased by the owners of North Peaking Brewing Company (and others). I am very interested to see what will be happening on the corner of Cass and Front the next few months, but I have a feeling I will be pleased with the results.

And for you mug club members of Mackinac Brewing Company, you can head over to Fresh Coast Beer Works and purchase a reduced-price mug club membership there. The beer is fantastic and the bartenders are great. As Arnold Schwarzenegger would say, do it! Do it now!

Bridge work starts Monday

Today, on Monday, January 30th, it begins again. Yes, more bridge work here in Traverse City. Both the north Cass Street bridge (between Grandview Parkway and Front Street) and the south Union Street bridge (between State Street and Sixth Street) will have their decking replaced, sidewalks expanded, and other improvements, work that will not be completed until June.

The first concreate bridge over Union Street was constructed in 1931. Union was originally US 31, so it was an important route through town. Thankfully, the highway was moved west to Division. Can you imagine how terrible it would be if the highway going through Old Towne? The bridge is a little rough, especially the crumbling decorative balustrades. 

Union Street bridge

Union Street bridge balustrades

The Cass Street bridge is far younger, built in 1960. It doesn’t look as bad, but it apparently needed to have work done, and the city got a discount for doing two bridges at the same time. 

Cass Street bridge

BTW, Cass Street was named after Lewis Cass, the territorial governor of Michigan, senator, Secretary of War under Andrew Jackson, and presidential nominee who was defeated by Zachary Taylor.

Though it will be a big pain in the butt for residents (like the recent south Cass Street, Park Street, and Eighth Street bridges were in the past few years), it’s work that needs to get done, so we’ll just have to deal with it for a few months.


Goodbye Island

The island at State and Boardman is being demolished as I write this.

Island on State

What happens when a city has too much money? They waste it by doing studies and dumb ideas come out of it. State is being converted to a two-way after fifty years of being one-way, and the island has to go.  Whether a two-way street is better – well,  we will find out, though the street is narrow, and one moron that can’t parallel park will cause a long traffic backup because there is now no other lane to use. I’m sure a further study will then lead to State having no parking and having bike lanes instead. Oops, shouldn’t get them ideas. Or at least I should charge them a lot for them.

The Beginnings of Rotary Square

Once upon a time, there was a Chemical Bank building on the corner of Union and State:

Chemical Bank

Well, that bank done been gone:

Chemical Bank empty lot

What will go in it’s place will be Rotary Park, a long-in-the-planning-phase park that will potentially hold all kinds of community type events. And we’ll have one less bank, which isn’t a bad thing. I’ve been inside a bank exactly once in the past three years, and a park works great for me.  And it will be named for an organization that has done much for the TC community over the years.

The last days of a windmill

You have probably heard that the windmill on M-72 is coming down. Well, that is happening today.

Windmill on M-72  

I have lived here almost two years, and I have never seen in turn, so I suppose this venerable landmark had come to an end of it’s useful life. As Jesus said, if the fig tree isn’t growing any figs, you should probably remove it.

Coming down

Still, it will be odd not seeing it there on my many (often daily) trips down that area of town. Perhaps we could put something else in it’s place. Marijuana dispensaries are very popular right now. Or a roundabout. Or perhaps a giant shrine to Traverse City’s favorite car, the Subaru Outback. But in the meantime, pieces of the windmill wait for their next destination.

Windmill pieces

New Neighbors, eventually


We have new neighbors coming to southern Leelanau County. On Bugai Road just north of M-72, there is work being done on a new neighborhood. They started last week, and so far, we have some dirt roads and a few curbs, but it’s coming.

Bugai Subdivision

I’m of two opinions. First, it’s a good thing to have more housing. That is the most pressing issue around Traverse City, so if we can have more places for people to live, we can get more businesses and people to work in those businesses.

Soon to be not empty field

But there is that part of me that likes things to stay the same. Yes, it was an empty field, but it was a familiar empty field. Forever more, it will be a subdivision with the extra traffic and something that isn’t natural. Eventually, it will be the normal, passing these new houses on the way to the high school, and the positives do outweigh the negatives of the loss of a fallow field. Still… 

In any case, I hope at least some of them like wine and will support by favorite winery, Rove, just down the street.


Boardman Lake Trail Extension

The Boardman Lake Trail (BLT) is one of my favorite trails in the Traverse City area. Because we spent many months living on Eighth Street while we waited for our house to be completed, the proximity to the trail allowed me to walk it twice a day (my morning and evening walks), and often went for an afternoon jog.

However, the BLT doesn’t encircle the lake. Before this year, it make a big U-ish shape, ending at Fifteenth Street on the west side of the lake and Medalie Park on the south side.  By the way, Medalie Park is a decent little park, and the best way to access the southern area of the BLT, the least utilized section of the trail.

Medalie Park

That incompleteness is about to change. Earlier this year, the trail was extended from Fifteenth Street to the NMC University Center on Cass. As I write, crews are working on the boardwalk that will cross the water and connect the NMC area to Logan’s Landing. (Well, OK, as I write this it is Sunday and we are in the middle of a snowstorm, so hopefully the workers are enjoying a warm day at home).

Boardman Lake TrailIt is exciting to see the trail getting closer to completion – spring 2022 is the target time frame, and you can follow along at the TART site. I will be exiting my winter running hiatus early to be in shape for an around-the-lake jog when it does open.

Bonus shot – you can see the pylons extending the trail on the west side of the Boardman.

Trail work on the Boardman

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