It is reaching the end of the kayaking season and I had only taken my yellow Elie out on the water once this year. Sacre bleu! I needed to fix this, but I didn’t have a whole lot of time to spend, so I drove to Cedar Lake in the Cherry Bend area, not far from M-22. It was an early fall Sunday morning, a little cool, but not cold enough that when I got my feet wet that I would have to be concerned about frostbite.

Cedar Lake

Cedar Lake

I was greeted with an empty parking lot at the boat launch on Cherry Bend Road, a bit surprising since it was a beautiful sunny morning, but I’ll take an empty body of water any day. The lake was calm, a break from the high winds we had been experiencing the past few days. So it was just me and the ducks on the water.

Sunday morning kayaking

The color of the water and sky was amazing – check out that reflection to tell you how smooth the water was. This was my first paddle on Cedar Lake, and lake kayaking is usually not as interesting as paddling on the rivers, but it was a great spot for a quick trip.